Case Study- Acidity / GERD Get Treated by Homeopathic Treatment

Homeopathy treatment for acidity and GERD relief

Mr. S. J. (Patient Reference Number –ABF-51) visited Homeo Care Clinic, Pune on 16th February 2021. He had been suffering from GERD since childhood. He complained of burning in the throat, water brash, sour eructation, belching, flatulence, gases, and reflux of food. He had a history of constipation. The complaints would increase at night, after meals, by eating chilies, and in the evening. He would take antacids as and when required.

He also had a history of Appendicitis and operated on. He complained of uneven skin tone. His appetite was good with no specific liking. He was intolerant to heat.

He was an into share market and also in stress mode. He mixes up easily and well a mannered personality. He is always into business and money. Always thinking about money and other stuff. Wants to earn money fast. He likes video editing on youtube channels. Likes taking risks. Anger expresses.

He had a past history of Appendectomy.

In family history – his father has GERD. His mother also has complaints of acidity.

His case details were studied in detail by Dr. Vaseem Choudhary. He was prescribed Bryonia 200c and some research-based medicines.

With 4 weeks of treatment on 12th March 2021– He experienced significant improvement in GERD. His gases are reduced, Distension of the Abdomen reduced. Flatulence stopped, Acidity completely stopped. He was very much satisfied with the results.

He is still undergoing treatment to get completely cured of all his complaints and has also for his uneven skin tone complaint.

This case study shows that the homeopathy can help to reduce GERD completely. All the complaints were addressed with the well selected remedy based on the disease symptoms, the physical attributes and the salient features of his personality.