Angelman Syndrome: A Unique Neurodevelopmental Disorder

Amyotrophic Neuron Degeneration

Angelman Syndrome (AS) is a rare neurodevelopmental disorder that primarily affects the nervous system, causing severe developmental delays, intellectual disabilities, and distinctive behavioral characteristics. Named after the British pediatrician Dr. Harry Angelman, who first described the condition in 1965, Angelman Syndrome is often characterized by a happy demeanor, frequent laughter, and a fascination with water.


Angelman Syndrome is primarily caused by a genetic abnormality involving the loss of function of the UBE3A gene located on chromosome 15. This gene provides instructions for producing an enzyme crucial for normal brain function. The most common cause of AS is the deletion of a segment of chromosome 15, but other genetic mechanisms, such as mutations in the UBE3A gene or uniparental disomy (both copies of chromosome 15 are inherited from one parent), can also lead to the syndrome.


Developmental Delays:

Children with Angelman Syndrome typically experience delays in reaching developmental milestones, such as sitting, crawling, and walking.

Intellectual Disabilities:

Individuals with AS have intellectual disabilities ranging from moderate to severe.

Speech Impairment:

Limited or absent speech development is a common feature of Angelman Syndrome. Non-verbal communication and the use of gestures may be more prevalent.

Movement and Balance Issues:

Ataxia, a lack of muscle coordination, is common, leading to difficulties in walking and maintaining balance.


Epileptic seizures are a common feature of Angelman Syndrome, often beginning in early childhood.

Hyperactivity and Happy Demeanor:

Many individuals with AS exhibit a happy and excitable demeanor, often characterized by frequent laughter and smiling.

Homeopathic Approach:

homeopathy offers treatment to manage symptoms, improve overall well-being, and enhance the quality of life for affected individuals. It is important to note that homeopathic treatment should be tailored to the unique symptoms and constitution of the individual.


This remedy is often considered for individuals with speech difficulties, fearfulness, and anxiety. Stramonium may help address some of the emotional and behavioral aspects of Angelman Syndrome.

Hyoscyamus Niger:

Indicated for individuals who are restless, hyperactive, and exhibit erratic behaviors, Hyoscyamus may be considered in the homeopathic management of Angelman Syndrome symptoms.

Cuprum Metallicum:

This remedy is sometimes used for conditions involving seizures and muscle spasms. Cuprum may be considered in cases where seizures are a prominent feature of AS.

Baryta Carbonica:

Indicated for developmental delays and intellectual disabilities, Baryta Carbonica may be considered in the homeopathic approach to support the overall development of individuals with Angelman Syndrome.

Natrum Muriaticum:

This remedy may be considered for individuals who exhibit social withdrawal, communication difficulties, and emotional sensitivities. Natrum Muriaticum may help address some of the challenges related to social interactions.

It is crucial to consult with a qualified homeopathic practitioner for an accurate diagnosis and an individualized treatment plan


Angelman Syndrome poses unique challenges due to its neurodevelopmental nature.  Consulting with a qualified homeopathic practitioner is essential for the selection of the most suitable remedies based on the patient’s unique symptoms and overall health. Dr. Vaseem Choudhary’s “Homeo Care Clinic” has emerged as a leading institution in the field of homeopathy, particularly in the treatment of Angelman Syndrome (AS). The clinic’s approach combines years of experience, in-depth knowledge of homeopathic principles, and advanced research to achieve unparalleled results.