Kidney Stone Homeopathic Medicine, Causes & Symptoms

Homeopathic Treatment and Medicine for Kidney Stone


Kidney stones are formed by minerals and salts inside the kidneys, which are solid structures. They are very painful, sometimes; they cause distress and some other side effects unless cured. The most conventional treatments include medication or surgery, but many opt for natural homeopathy as a means of dissolving kidney stones, based on individual symptoms and general health of the kidneys. Here, homeopathic remedies treat not just the presentation of symptoms but also the root cause and will contribute to long-term cure and prevention.

Homeo Care Clinic led by Dr. Vaseem Choudhary and his expert teamtreats a large number of patients with the condition of renal calculi pain-free and without surgery through a completely non-invasive process.


Causes of Kidney Stones: 

Kidney stones are formed when there is crystallization of certain minerals in the kidneys due to several reasons :

  • Dehydration: These patients consume less amount of fluids, which leads to concentrated urine that causes stone development.
  • Dietary: A diet rich in oxalate, calcium, or salt puts a person at higher risk of getting stones.
  • Genetic Factors: Patients who have a family tendency for the condition are also prone to get it.
  • Medical History: Other conditions like hyperparathyroidism, gout, UTI, and many more put a person at higher risk.
  • Overweight/Obesity: The incidence rate is higher among obese people due to metabolic changes.
  • Some Medications: Certain medications such as diuretics or calcium-based antacids contribute to developing kidney stones.


Symptoms of Kidney Stones: 

The symptoms of kidney stones vary with the size and location of the stone:

  • Severe Pain: Knife-like, severe, and sharp pain in the lower back, side, and abdomen is a common sign of having kidney stones.
  • Pain During Urinating: The stones while passing through the urinary tract cause burning or painful urination.
  • Blood in Urine: Hematuria, or blood within the urine, is a common occurrence and may cause the urine to be pink, red, or brown.
  • Nausea and Vomiting: In some cases, the pain may be so severe that it causes nausea or actual vomiting.
  • Frequent Urination: Even if little comes out, an increased urge to urinate can be highly common.
  • Fever and Chills: If an infection occurs as a consequence of the kidney stone, the patient may experience symptoms such as fever and chills.


Conventional Treatment for Kidney Stones:

The traditional treatment of kidney stones considers the size and type of stone: Traditional Treatments for Kidney Stone Size and Type of Stone

  • Pain Management: Pain medication like ibuprofen or prescribed medication is administered to ease the severe pain that comes with passing stones.
  • Hydration: Higher fluids are used to assist in flushing out the smaller stones from the urinary system.
  • Medical Therapy: Large stones and those that would not pass are subjected to some treatments as follows:
  • Shock Wave Lithotripsy (SWL): High-energy shock waves used to break up stones into smaller pieces.
  • Ureteroscopy: It is a method involving a thin tube with a camera, and stones within the kidney or ureter are either broken or removed.
  • Surgery: Very rarely required for large or complex stones.

These methods can only give urgent relief but have no preventive action against further stone formation. Homeopathy can treat the root causes and prevent recurrence, as it is a more holistic system of medicine.


Diet Chart For Kidney Stone

Remedies used in Homeo Treatment for Kidney Stone:  

Homeopathy considers an overall treatment for kidney stones. Its treatment procedure differs with individual manifestations of symptoms, as well as stone composition and patient health in general. Remedies depend on size, location, and pain patterns for the body to dissolve or pass the stones.


Steps of Homeopathic Treatment

Individualized Case Assessment: Homeopathy focuses more on the holistic aspect, whereas individualized case assessment reflects an understanding of the patient’s health in terms of dieting habits, the state of emotions, and the family history. The Homeo Care Clinic, led by Dr. Vaseem Choudhary, takes a fair amount of time in carrying out each case study so proper treatment plans are made for each patient.


Selection of Homeopathic Medicine: Best homeopathic medicine for kidney stones are

Medicines are selected according to the nature of stone, generalized symptoms of the patient, and individual health condition. Some of the most common homeopathic medicines for kidney stones are as follows:

  • Berberis Vulgaris: One of the best medicines that can be used in cases of left-sided kidney stones. It is mostly indicated in conditions where there is acute radiation of sharp shooting pain from the kidney to the bladder or thighs. The patient may also complain of burning pain in the urinary pathway.
  • Lycopodium: This medication is applied when there are right-sided kidney stones, and it is most effective when the pain has begun to shift from the right kidney to the bladder. The person may be urinating more often than normal, and urine will often darken and cloud.
  • Hydrangea: It is referred to as the “stone breaker” in the herbal universe. This herb is used to dissolve kidney stones and relieve the pain that would occur at such times. Given to the patient with agony and stone gravel appearance in urine.
  • Cantharis: The remedy is prepared for patients who go through burning, sharp pains before, during, and even after urination. More often than not, the prescription applies to blood in urine cases with intense pains.
  • Sarsaparilla: Helpful in treatment for small, sharp stones, particularly when there is aching pain at the end of urination. Sometimes patients pass tiny, gritty particulate matter in urine.

Follow-up and Follow-up Observations: The patient should be followed regularly for the improvements, and the remedies could be changed if required, and also to ensure that stones are passing or dissolving appropriately.


Advantages of homeopathy treatment for kidney stone 

  • Non-surgical: Homeopathy gives a natural, non-surgical option to surgery or medical intervention.
  • No Side Effects: Homeopathic medicines are made from natural sources and do not have side effects that accompany conventional medicines.
  • Prevents Recurrence:Homeopathy improves the condition of the kidneys and urinary system, thereby minimizing the chance of recurring stones.
  • Holistic Treatment: It treats the emotional and physical symptoms; thus, it offers relief for anxiety or stress that might complicate the problem.


Dietary and Lifestyle Tips For Managing Kidney Stones:

Dietary Tips:

  • Hydration: Drink enough water to keep urine diluted so that it does not contribute to stone formation. Do at least 8-10 glasses of water a day.
  • Sodium Restriction: Patients with a high level of salt in their diet are more prone to stone formation because the excess calcium in the urine will increase due to sodium.
  • Less Consumption of Oxalate-Rich Products: Oxalates are present in products such as spinach, beet, and nuts. These have the potential to increase the risk of developing stones. So, these products should be cut down from your diet, if you have a tendency to develop kidney stones.
  • Incorporate Citrate-Rich Foods: Oral hydration using oranges and lemons can thus prevent their formation as it raises citrate content in urine.
  • Balanced Calcium Intake: Many associate the presence of stones with excess calcium, but on the other hand, avoiding it altogether also increases the risk. Balance your calcium by having low-oxalate, calcium-rich foods.


Lifestyle Tips:

  • Exercise: To enhance the functions of the kidneys and thus flush out toxins within the body, regular physical activity must be done.
  • Keep Healthy Weight: Obesity is among the risk factors of kidney stones, so keeping a healthy weight may decrease the probability of getting stones.
  • Drink Less Soda Sugar: Soft drinks and fizzy sugary beverages are also a common cause of kidney stone, and so you can choose water or freshly squeezed fruit juices in lieu.
1 Case Study– Kidney Stones Treated With Homeopathy Successfully click here
2 Case Study- Vilas Kapkar’s Gallbladder Stones- removal without surgery, symptoms, treatment in homeopathic click here
3 Case Study- Gallbladder Stone & Kidney Stones Significant Reduction In Just 2 months click here
National Kidney Month – MARCH 2021


  1. How can homeopathy help to dissolve kidney stones?

Homeopathy activates the innate healing powers of the body. Homeopathic remedies like Berberis Vulgaris and Hydrangea prevent stones from hardening inside the urinary system and ease passing by breaking up stones into microscopic particles. Additionally, homeopathy treats the fundamental cause such as dehydration and imbalances in diet, thus preventing future recurrence.

  1. How long would it take to pass a kidney stone with homeopathy treatment?

The time taken to pass a kidney stone also depends upon the size and location of the stone along with the general health condition of the patient. Sometimes, with homeopathic treatment, the small stones pass within a few days or a couple of weeks, and the larger stones take more time.

  1. Are homeopathic remedies safe for all types of kidney stones?

Homeopathic remedies are safe and can be used to treat different types of kidney stones, like calcium oxalate, uric acid, and struvite stones. Remedies vary depending on the type of stone and patient’s symptoms.

  1. Does homeopathy prevent kidney stones from coming back?

Homeopathy will attempt to avoid the recurrence of kidney stones by treating the root causes, such as dehydration, bad diet, or just simple metabolic imbalance. Any homeopathic remedies enhance the general health of the kidneys and the functioning of the urines so that the chance of future stones is reduced.

  1. What is Dr. Vaseem Choudhary’s approach towards treating kidney stone at Homeo Care Clinic?

Dr. Vaseem Choudhary, at Homeo Care Clinic, focuses on holistic treatments of kidney stones through his well-trained and experienced team. They perform thorough assessment and diagnostic procedures of the patient’s disease symptoms, lifestyle, and health history in making the appropriate treatment plan unique to every patient. They make homeopathic remedies not only dissolve the stones but also prevent the occurrence of kidney stones again by addressing the root causes.


In conclusion,

Homeo Care Clinic offers a holistic approach to treating the disease. The remedies mentioned above can treat the underlying causes of the condition and offer relief from the discomfort. However, it is important to consult a qualified homeopathic practitioner for the correct dosage and duration of treatment. Homeo Care Clinic provides comprehensive care for various ailments, and offers customized treatment plans based on individual requirements.

To schedule an appointment or learn more about our treatment, please visit our website or give us a call +91 9595211594  Our friendly staff will be happy to assist you. If you’re searching for the best homeopathy doctor, we are here to help.

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