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Home Diet Chart for Increase Height

Diet Chart for Increase Height

Foods To Avoid for Healthy Height Increase

Height increase is mainly attributed to genetic causes, while nutrition, lifestyle, and sometimes homeopathic remedies can play a very critical role in optimum increase in the growing years, especially in children and teenagers. Proper nutrition helps the body maintain healthy bones, muscles, and hormones that are essential to increase height. A balanced diet, exercise, and homeopathy allow increase up to its highest potential extent.

This height increase diet promotes foods that are high in proteins, calcium, vitamins, and minerals, which are the key to ensuring proper bone strength and overall increase.


Best Diet for Height Increase 

Include nutrient-dense, easily digestible foods that are available and useful in the long term. A diet rich in calcium, protein, and crucial vitamins, such as Vitamin D, is also significant for developing healthy bones and muscles.

6:30 AM Warm water with honey or lemon (to kickstart metabolism) 1 glass
7:30 AM (Breakfast)

Option 1: Boiled eggs with whole wheat toast

Option 2: Oats porridge with chia seeds and fruits

Option 3: Sprouts salad with paneer or tofu

2 boiled eggs

1 bowl oats

1 bowl sprouts

10:30 AM (Snack) Banana or apple with a handful of almonds or walnuts 1 fruit + 5-6 nuts
1:00 PM (Lunch)

Option 1: Brown rice with lentils (dal) and a side of green vegetables like spinach

Option 2: Chapati with paneer sabzi and a bowl of curd

1 bowl rice

2 chapatis

4:00 PM (Snack) Mixed fruit smoothie (rich in Vitamin C and calcium) 1 glass
6:30 PM (Evening Snack) Handful of roasted chickpeas or fox nuts (makhana) 1 small bowl
8:00 PM (Dinner)

Option 1: Grilled chicken or fish with steamed vegetables

Option 2: Lentil soup with whole wheat bread and sautéed broccoli

1 small portion of chicken

1 bowl soup

9:30 PM (Before bed) Warm milk with turmeric or almonds (boosts calcium intake) 1 glass


Avoid these foods for a healthy height increase

Some foods are calorie-dense with minimal nutritive values. These cause problems in increase and development. This list of foods must be avoided to promote a diet for height increase.

  • Sugary snacks: Cakes, pastries, and candies often have empty calories that lead to weight gain and hinder an increase 
  • Fried foods: Junk foods that contain unhealthy fats from fried snacks affect metabolic rates and health, thereby causing misdirected increases.
  • Processed foods: Foodstuffs like instant noodles and chips contain very few nutrients, which are essential during the increase stages.
  • Too much caffeine: Beverages like coffee and energy drinks create dehydration, which further affects calcium absorption within the body.
  • Soda: Fizzy soft drinks lead to the loss of calcium in bones, which gradually makes them weak.


Natural Diet for Height Increase

  • Calcium-rich food products: Milk, yogurt, cheese, and other leafy green vegetables like spinach or kale, provide strength to it, along with developing new bone development.
  • Protein: Eggs, lean meats, lentils, and legumes are of extreme importance for developing the muscles, which eventually paves the way to support the height
  • Vitamin D: Sunlight, fortified cereals, fish, and dairy all support bone development
  • Vitamin C and antioxidants: Citrus fruits, berries, and vegetables, such as bell peppers, would improve the uptake of calcium. the increase  would also be enhanced
  • Magnesium and phosphorus: They improve the general health of bones. It can be found in seeds, nuts, and whole grains


Do’s and Don’ts to Grow Taller


  • Exercise frequently: That is, flexibility exercise through stretching, yoga, cycling, or swimming.
  • Posture correctly: Proper posture while sitting, standing, or sleeping; facilitates an increase in height in a human being.
  • Proper sleeping: Sleep for at least 8-10 hours overnight as increase hormones are usually secreted during sleep.
  • Nutrient-rich diet: Include foods that are well-balanced with adequate amounts of calcium, proteins, and other fundamental vitamins that allow increase.



  • Avoid junk foods: They may contain too little amount of nutrition and too much weight gain that can help to hinder increase.
  • Limit screen time: Spend much less time sitting in front of the screens since this can affect posture and reduce the amount of time a child can engage in physical activity, which aids increase.
  • Avoid skipping meals: A proper and balanced meal with regular nutrition must be provided to ensure normal increase and development of the body.
  • Avoid smoking or alcohol: increase can be arrested as well as overall health might be harmed due to substances such as smoking or alcohol consumption, especially in the formative years.


Although greatly determined by genetics, height increase can be optimized with a rich diet, regular exercise, proper sleep, and homeopathic treatment. The bones are developed through calcium, protein, and the necessary vitamins that grow to the optimum nutritional and increased value. Homeopathy has holistic remedies that focus on dealing with issues related to increase, thereby allowing human beings to attain their full height potential.


In conclusion, Homeo Care Clinic offers a holistic approach to treating the disease. The remedies mentioned above can treat the underlying causes of the condition and offer relief from the discomfort. However, it is important to consult a qualified homeopathic practitioner for the correct dosage and duration of treatment. Homeo Care Clinic provides comprehensive care for various ailments and offers customized treatment plans based on individual requirements.

To schedule an appointment or learn more about our treatment, please visit our website or give us a call +91 9595211594  Our friendly staff will be happy to assist you. If you’re searching for the best homeopathy doctor, we are here to help.

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