Deviated Nasal Septum: Effective Homeopathic Treatment & Best Remedies for Long-Term Relief

Homeopathic treatment for deviated nasal septum

What is DNS in Medical ?

DNS stands for Deviated Nasal Septum is a condition that means the thin dividing wall between the two nasal passages called the nasal septum is displaced or crooked so that one of the passages becomes much smaller than the other. This simply means that you face breathing problems, nasal congestion, sinus infections, and even sleeping disorder cases. With conventional treatments, surgery is usually advised, but with homeopathy, patients can get relief from the symptoms and can breathe easily without the assistance of an operating room.

Patients at Homeo Care Clinic with Dr. Vaseem Choudhary and his professional team under care can control their deviated nasal septum by specially customized homeopathy treatments targeting both the root cause and the complainant symptoms to avoid the surgery of the patient.

Causes of Deviated Nasal Septum:

  • Congenital Condition: In many people, the septum does not correctly develop in the fetus.
  • Trauma: Trauma to the nose can be an angle of a sports event or accident or even a physical confrontation caused by a deviated nasal septum.
  • Aging: In fact, the normal aging course can affect the course of the nose, worsening the deviation.
  • Nasal Inflammation: Chronic inflammation which is the aftermath of allergies or sinus infections can also be the culprit for worsening symptoms of a deviated nasal septum.

Symptoms of Deviated Nasal Septum:

The symptoms of a deviated nasal septum vary from severe to mildest, according to the seriousness of the deviation:

  • Difficulty Breathing: Difficulty breathing out of one or both nostrils, especially when exercising or performing other strenuous activities.
  • Nasal Congestion: Chronic or persistent congestion affecting one or both sides of the nose.
  • Repeated Nosebleeds: The nasal membranes may become dry and easily bleed especially on the thinner side of the septum.
  • Frequent Sinus Infections: The nasal canal may get blocked leading to more frequent and chronic sinus infections.
  • Snoring and Sleep Apnea: Due to the obstruction in breathing, the individual may develop snoring and become part of sleep apnea, when there is breath stoppage for short durations at night time.
  • Headaches or facial Pain: This is caused by the stress of breathing through partially obstructed nasal passages.

Conventional Treatment for Deviated Nasal Septum:

Most traditional treatments for the deviated nasal septum involve drugs and drugs that can help relieve symptoms. This might include using nasal decongestants, antihistamines, or sprays of steroids. In more serious cases, doctors recommend patients undergo septoplasty, or surgical correction, to straighten the septum. Even though this might be the permanent cure, it comes with a burden of risks and complications plus weeks of recovery time.

Homeopathic Treatment for Deviated Nasal Septum:

Homeopathy is a good, natural treatment to deal with the symptoms of a deviated nasal septum without undergoing surgery. Homeopathic treatment covers the etiology, pain, and restoration of normal nasal function.

Homeopathic remedies are tailored to the symptom complex and overall health profile, so the approach adopted here is holistic healing.

Steps in Homeopathic Treatment for Deviated Nasal Septum:

Complete Case Analysis: It is a comprehensive case analysis wherein the patient’s history of pain, along with his clinical profile, lifestyle, and mental status, is appropriately considered. At Homeo Care Clinic, Dr. Vaseem Choudhary and all of his other experienced doctors ensure that treatment is customized as per the patient’s symptoms.

Selection of Homeopathic Remedies: The homeopathic remedies in the case of deviated nasal septum are always decided based on the patient’s symptoms. The best homeopathic treatments for issues related to the nasal septum are the following:

  • Calcarea Carb: This is one of the greatest medicines for chronic nasal block patients who suffer from frequent colds and sinus infections due to nasal septum deviation. It is useful when the patient feels stuffiness and difficulty breathing during wet or cold weather.
  • Silicea: Silicea works well for patients who have sinus infections, thick nasal discharge, and facial pain due to a deviation in the nasal septum. It thins out the inflammation and makes the liquid in the sinuses drain out.
  • Pulsatilla: Pulsatilla is one of the best homeopathic medicines that is suited for the problems occurring in the nasal septum, especially in patients who feel blockages in their nostrils on alternate sides. Pulsatilla is ideal for patients having nasal blockages shifting from one side to the other side.
  • Sanguinara Nitricum: It is a curative agent for patients who suffer from sinus pain and postnasal drip results from a deviated nasal septum. It treats chronic nasal congestion and snoring problems.
  • Teucrium Marum Verum: Teucrium is used for the patient who undergoes constant nasal passage obstruction, especially at night. It relieves itching and irritation in the nose.
  • Kali Bichromicum: This is the most prescribed remedy in homeopathic treatment for deviated nasal septum, and this remedy is used when the nasal discharge is thick and stringy and the sinus headache is very severe.
  • Thuja Occidentalis: Thuja is an important remedy for patients who have undergone polyps or growths inside the nasal cavity as it tends to deteriorate the nasuoseptal deviation symptoms.

Monitoring and Continuation Care: The follow-up process is critical in considering and altering the homeopathic remedies whenever there is an improvement or worsening of the condition of the patient.

Treatment seeks to gradually regulate inside the nasal cavities and enhance the overall health of the respiratory system.

Advantages of Homeopathic Treatment for Deviated Nasal Septum:

  • Non-Invasive: In surgery, the period for recovery is also required. It does not include invasive procedures and the patient does not also have a period of recovery.
  • No Side Effects: Homeopathic medicines are gentle on the body and with no side effects associated with conventional medications, like nasal decongestants or steroids.
  • Holistic Approach: Homeopathy is not only treating the physical manifestations of having a deviated nasal septum but also the emotional and psychological aspects of the health of the patient.
  • Long-Term Relief: Homeopathic treatment arouses the body’s own healing mechanism, hence relief gets long-term without requiring re-administration of the medication.

Tips on Diet and Lifestyle for Deviated Nasal Septum:

Dietary Tips

  • Drink More Fluids: Hydration is essential and reduces nasal congestion because moist nasal passages allow fluid to have an easy outlet from the nasal canal.
  • Avoid Dairy Products: For some patients, dairy products thicken mucus, thus exacerbating the condition. Avoiding them can improve their chances of getting relief.
  • Include Anti-inflammatory Foods: The food items that have anti-inflammatory properties can be included in the diet. For example, fruits that are rich in antioxidants and have anti-inflammatory properties like ginger and turmeric, and leafy greens can reduce inflammation in the nasal passages.
  • More Fruits and Vegetables: A diet that includes a variety of fruits and vegetables is full of essential vitamins and minerals that look out for the immune system and reduce the chances of respiratory infections.

Lifestyle Tips :

  • Use a Humidifier: Moist air in your living space will reduce the condition of having a dry nose and make breathing smooth.
  • Practice Nasal Irrigation: Saline nasal irrigation helps flush out the nasal passages and makes breathing easier.
  • Raise Your Head While Resting: If possible, it would help to elevate your head while resting at night to open up your nasal channels and minimize snoring or even sleep.
  • Avoid Smoking and Pollutants: Smoking and exposure to environmental irritants can worsen the conditions of a deviated nasal septum.

Deviated Nasal Septum Homeopathy FAQs:

  1. Can homeopathy cure a deviated nasal septum?

Homeopathy can easily control the symptoms resulting from a deviated nasal septum, such as nasal blockage, sinus infection, and respiratory problems. It does not, however, fix the deviation of the septum itself but offers permanent relief without surgery.

  1. How long does it take to treat a deviated nasal septum by homeopathy?

It depends on how severe the symptoms are in the patient and his general health. Most of the time, improvement starts taking place within weeks, whereas relief may last for months or even years and requires prolonged treatment.

  1. Which are the best homeopathic medicines for deviated nasal septum

Some of the excellent homeopathic medicines for problems of nasal septum are Calcarea Carb, Silicea, Pulsatilla, Sanguinaria Nitricum, Kali Bichromicum, and Teucrium Marum Verum, and the list is not restricted to these.

The specific medicine would depend on the individual symptoms of the patient.

  1. Can homeopathy prevent the need for surgery for deviated nasal septum?

Homeopathy cannot treat the physical structure of a deviated septum but can be used very effectively for the management and alleviation of symptoms. Many patients are able to avoid surgery and maintain a high quality of life through homeopathic treatment.

  1. How does Dr. Vaseem Choudhary at Homeo Care Clinic treat the Deviated Nasal Septum with homeopathy?

Here, in the Homeo Care Clinic, Dr. Vaseem Choudhary and his skilled staff deal with a deviated nasal septum with an individualized approach using homeopathy to ensure relief from all the symptoms accompanied by curing of all the aspects of respiratory problems through individual remedies and further support during follow-up treatment.


In conclusion,

Homeo Care Clinic offers a holistic approach to treating the disease. The remedies mentioned above can treat the underlying causes of the condition and offer relief from the discomfort. However, it is important to consult a qualified homeopathic practitioner for the correct dosage and duration of treatment. Homeo Care Clinic provides comprehensive care for various ailments and offers customized treatment plans based on individual requirements.

To schedule an appointment or learn more about our treatment, please visit our website or give us a call +91 9595211594  Our friendly staff will be happy to assist you. If you’re searching for the best homeopathy doctor, we are here to help.

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