Kleptomania Disorder meaning: Kleptomania has been prevalent in my career as a medical professional as a result of such cases a person may have. Klept...
Hypomania: Causes, Symptoms, and the Role of Homeopathy
Introduction Hypomania is a condition of heightened mood, energy, and activity that in some cases does not reach the same extreme level of mania. Alth...
Claustrophobia: Causes, Symptoms & Homeopathic Treatment
Introduction As a health expert, claustrophobia is a dementia that I have always come across ever since I started my career. Claustrophobia is a type ...
Multiple Personality Disorder & Its Homeopathic Cure
Introduction My aim is to make you educative about Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD), also known as Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID). This compl...
Intellectual Development Disorder: Effects Of Down Syndrome On Intellectual Development
What is Intellectual Development Disorder As a doctor, I have dealt with many cases of Intellectual Development Disorder (IDD), which was previously c...
Hysteria: Causes, Symptoms & Homeopathic Cure
Introduction I have encountered numerous cases of hysteria throughout my medical career. Hysteria, now more commonly referred to as conversion disorde...
Disruptive Behaviour Disorders: Causes, Symptoms, and Effective Homeopathic treatment
Introduction During my time as a Homeopath, I have had many dealings with Disruptive Behavior Disorders (DBDs) within my years of experience. You reco...
Salivary Gland Cancer: Causes, Symptoms, and Homeopathic Remedies
Introduction Being a healthcare provider, I feel it is my duty to make you aware about the salivary gland cancer. What is considered to be a rare cond...
Diogenes Syndrome – Causes, Symptoms & Homeopathy Treatment
Diogenes Syndrome, also known as Senile Squalor Syndrome, is a behavioral disorder characterized by extreme self-neglect, hoarding, social withdrawal,...