Behcet’s Disease: Causes, Symptoms, Meaning & Homeopathic Treatment

Behcet's disease symptoms

What is Behcet’s Disease?

Dr. Hulusi Behcet, a Turkish doctor, first recognized Behcet’s disease in 1937. He described three patients with a unique combination of symptoms, including mouth and genital sores, eye inflammation, and painful skin bumps. Over time, more symptoms were discovered, expanding our understanding of the condition. Behcet’s disease is a complex disorder where the immune system mistakenly attacks blood vessels, leading to inflammation.

It affects various parts of the body, causing: Recurring mouth and genital sores Eye problems, especially chronic uveitis Inflammation in blood vessels of all sizes This condition is also known as Behcet syndrome or malignant aphthosis.” I’ve rephrased the text using different wording and sentence structures to maintain originality while conveying the same information autoimmune behcet

Causes of Behcet’s Disease:


  • Behcet s disease remains a mystery, with its underlying causes still unclear. Research hints at a possible immune system malfunction, where healthy tissues are mistakenly attacked, triggering inflammation.
  • Specific genetic indicators, such as HLA-B5 and HLA-B51, are sometimes detected in individuals with behcet s disease. However, their presence doesn’t guarantee the development of the condition, suggesting other factors are involved.
  • Ongoing research explores the connection between genetic predisposition, immune function, and environmental triggers, including potential infections. The interplay between these factors is believed to contribute to the onset of behcet s disease, making it a complex condition to understand and treat.

Behcet’s Disease Symptoms:

Behcet’s disease manifests differently in each individual, but common symptoms include:

  • Recurring mouth and genital ulcers, which can be painful and numerous.
  • Skin and joint pain, often accompanied by inflammation behcet’s disease genital ulcers
  • Eye inflammation, potentially leading to vision loss or blindness.
  • Involvement of various organs, such as the brain, nerves, lungs, intestinal tract, and kidneys behcet symptoms

Best Homoeopathic Medicine for Behcet’s Disease:

  1. Natrum muriaticum: Prescribed for oral ulcers and genital ulcers that are painful and recur frequently.
  2. Arsenicum album: Useful for individuals experiencing burning pain, restlessness and anxietywhich may be exacerbated during flare-ups. Best Homeopathic Doctor for Behcet’s disease
  3. Apis mellifica: For inflammatory conditions with burning and stinging pains, such as in skin lesions or swollen joints.
  4. Silicea: Indicated for skin conditions and slow-healing ulcers, especially if there is a tendency to formation of pus.
  5. Sulphur: For skin eruptions, itching and general aggravation. Click to order your customized Medicine 

Behcet’s Disease key features Include:

  • Mouth ulcers, affecting almost all patients, often as the first symptom.
  • Genital ulcers, similar to mouth ulcers, but less common.
  • Eye inflammation, causing pain, blurry vision, and sensitivity to light.
  • Skin issues, such as acne-like lesions, nodules, or ulcers, potentially leading to a positive pathergy test.
  • Joint pain and inflammation, commonly affecting the ankles, knees, elbows, and hips.
  • Vein inflammation, potentially causing clots, blockages, or closure, affecting both superficial and deep veins.
  • Brain involvement, including meningeal inflammation, potentially leading to fever, headache, stiff neck, and coordination difficulties.
  • Gastrointestinal tract symptoms, such as abdominal pain, bloody stools, and lesions, which can cause bleeding or rupture.
  • Occasional involvement of other organs, like the lungs, kidneys, and large vessels.

Behcet’s Syndrome Treatment:

While there is no cure for Behcet’s syndrome, treatment is aimed at managing symptoms, reducing inflammation, and preventing complications. The type of treatment depends on the severity and location of the symptoms.

Treatments for Behcet’s Syndrome:

  1. Corticosteroids
    • Purpose: To reduce inflammation and provide relief from acute flare-ups.
    • Examples: Prednisone and topical steroids (for mouth or skin lesions).
    • Use: These are often used in the short term due to potential side effects like weight gain, high blood pressure, and weakened bones.
  2. Immunosuppressants
    • Purpose: To control the immune system and prevent it from attacking healthy tissues.
    • Examples: Azathioprine, Cyclosporine, Methotrexate.
    • Use: These drugs are useful for people with more severe symptoms, such as eye inflammation, vascular issues, or central nervous system involvement.
  3. Colchicine
    • Purpose: To relieve joint pain and inflammation.
    • Use: Often prescribed for mild symptoms, such as arthritis and skin lesions.


  • What complications can Behcet’s disease cause?

Answer: Severe cases may lead to blindness from eye inflammation, blood clots, gastrointestinal complications, and neurological problems.

  • What are the common triggers for Behcet’s disease flare-ups?

Answer: Flare-ups can be triggered by stress, fatigue, infections, and sometimes by certain foods or environmental factors.

  • Can Behcet’s disease affect pregnancy?

Answer: Yes, women with Behcet’s disease may experience complications during pregnancy, such as increased disease activity or medication concerns. Close monitoring by healthcare providers is important.

  • Can Behcet’s disease affect children?

Answer: Yes, although rare, Behcet’s disease can affect children and adolescents, presenting with symptoms similar to those in adults but often with different patterns and severity.

  • Is there a genetic component to Behcet’s disease?

Ans: Yes, genetics play a role in predisposing individuals to Behcet’s disease, although specific genes involved are still being studied Best Homeopathy Doctor for Behcet’s Disease