Borderline Personality Disorder: Symptoms, Causes and Homeopathic Treatment

BPD Symptoms and Causes


This article is written to present a comprehensive view of BPD. As a Homeopath, I have met quite a few patients suffering from BPD throughout my professional life. This mental disorder is a profound disturbance of how a person manages his emotions, forms sustainable relationships with others, and perceives himself in the world.

Global Prevalence

Globally, the general population affecting BPD is around 1.6%. Youth are often found to have high rates of diagnosis and these rates then drop dramatically with increasing age.

Indian Context

On the subcontinent, notwithstanding a lack of precise statistics, it is postulated that BPD affects approximately 0.8 to 1.2 percent of the population of India. In India, besides cultural issues and the stigma surrounding mental health, this disorder is often underdiagnosed.

Borderline Personality Disorder Causes

The causes of BPD are still largely unknown, however, the research suggests the following:

  • There seems to be a genetic predisposition to developing the disorder.
  • Environmental factors related to the development of the disorder, such as childhood trauma or neglect, are the main components responsible for the onset of the disease.
  • Meaningful changes in brain structure and function. The natural limit of the brain function will disappear and the environmental factors will have room for the development of a depressive disorder.
  • Neurobiological aspects may be the reason for the functional relationship between cannabinoid and limbic systems which results in anxiety and subjectively rated feelings in patients with BPD (ACBD)

BPD Symptoms Test

Typical complaints from people with BPD are such as:

  • They can become very emotional and their moods can change in seconds.
  • They are often very afraid of being abandoned.
  • their self-esteem is quite unstable as well,
  • They often engage in such behaviors as Stealing, lying, and cheating.
  • The majority of the time they are experiencing emptiness for no reason.
  • They have great difficulty forming good relationships.
  • Frequently the patients have suicidal thoughts or self-harm.

Borderline Personality Disorder Conventional Treatment and Side Effects

BPD standard therapy generally includes:

Psychotherapy (e.g., Dialectical Behavior Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy)

The use of drugs (antidepressants, mood stabilizers, antipsychotics)

Additionally, the above-mentioned medications while effective, can lead to side effects such as: Weight gain, Sexual dysfunction, Nausea and other gastrointestinal issues, Drowsiness or insomnia, and last but not least, Medication dependency could also occur.

Advantages of Homeopathy

As a practitioner who has utilized different methods of treatment, I have found homeopathy to be helpful for BPD for the following reasons:

  • Individualized treatment approach
  • The most common side effect of a homeopathic remedy is the fact that there is not one. Minimal to no side effects
  • It targets the physical symptoms of the patient in addition to the emotional ones
  • It is non-habit-forming
  • It can be combined with other traditional treatments

Five Homeopathic Medicines for BPD

  1. Natrum Muriaticum

It is a remedy that fits in with people who are very reserved and serious, feel grieved when they are rejected, and are also susceptible to depression due to this. It helps them to deal with feelings of isolation and the challenge of expressing emotions.

  1. Ignatia Amara

This one is for those who have freaking emotions and insensitive behavior sometimes. It includes the issue of the management of grief and the treatment of the emotional trauma that they go through.

  1. Aurum Metallicum

This is mainly used by persons who have a very deep depression and are even ready to commit suicide. They have a strong feeling of not being worth it at all. It helps to recover their self-esteem and emotional balance.

  1. Pulsatilla

This medicine is great for emotional dependence, and a rapid shift of mood among others. It’s a great aid to stabilization and reducing clinginess.

  1. Staphysagria

This is associated with anger suppression, mistreatment in the past, and low self-worth issues works great for these patients. It guides the patient through the path of emotional scars’ healing and helps them to acquire a healthy degree of self-respect or worthiness.


  1. Is homeopathy safe for long-term use in BPD treatment?

Yes, homeopathic remedies are generally very safe for long-term use because they do not have some kind of dependency and do not have an obvious or considerable side effect.

  1. Can homeopathy be used alongside conventional BPD treatments?

Yes. Homeopathy is a complementary therapy that potentially makes the other medications stronger by (reducing) their side effects, thus more efficient.

  1. How long does it take to see results with homeopathic treatment for BPD?

Each patient has a different story. To be unambiguous some tell of the type of improvement in some weeks others in some months after starting treatment.

  1. Does homeopathy address the root cause of BPD?

Homeopathy aims to alleviate the suffering of the patient by destroying such a cause that in turn brings about visible symptoms. It is a bioenergetic therapy

  1. Are homeopathic remedies for BPD personalized?

Yes. In actual fact, this type of treatment is tailored to the person; their distinct symptoms, personality, and experiences, are always taken into consideration.

In conclusion, Borderline Personality Disorder Specialist Homeo Care Clinic offers a holistic approach to treating the disease. The remedies mentioned above can treat the underlying causes of the condition and offer relief from the discomfort. However, it is important to consult a qualified homeopathic practitioner for the correct dosage and duration of treatment. Homeo Care Clinic provides comprehensive care for various ailments and offers customized treatment plans based on individual requirements.

To schedule an appointment or learn more about our treatment, please visit our website or give us a call +at 91 9595211594  Our friendly staff will be happy to assist you. If you’re searching for the best homeopathy doctor, we are here to help.

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