A Journey to Healing Goitre With Thyroditis Through Homeopathy


A 22 years young female patient named M.P (Registration number: ACO-21) brought to Homeo Care Clinic by her parents dated 28th May2023 with the chief complaints of swelling around the neck region since 2021. She was not having any symptoms but just the visible swelling which was worrisome for her parents.

Thyroid profile was done on 14th May, which was showing following results :

TSH : >100 (High)         T3 : 56.6         T4 : 1.7

Along with chief complaint she was suffering from one sided headache since 2016-17. She used to get frequent bouts of headache 3-4 days in a week with intense temporal headache and generalized weakness.

Patient was taking tab. Thyronorm 100 mg with no improvement.


She had suffered from jaundice at age of 7, then in 2017 she had chickenpox, after that she would get frequent episodes of giddiness in 2019 that subsided its own in same year.


Patient’s mother had a complaint of getting recurrent headache and hyperacidity. Her maternal and paternal grandparents were hypertensive. she had a younger brother who was healthy.


Patient’s  appetite was good. She had a aversion of eggs which used to cause her abdominal discomfort. though her sleep was sound but she would get frequent dreams of running away from unknown things and jumping from the tall building again and again followed by falling of teeth.


Patient was staying with her parents and younger brother. She was a average student in her childhood. she was not interested in studies and wanted to become a singer but her parents forced her to pursue the higher education. she was more inclined towards creative activity like singing, dancing and drawing, but her parents compelled her to succeed in her studies. she used to feel suffocative as if herself identity was lost which led her to get emotionally detached from her parents. As she grew up, she became more introvert and had a feeling that she was out of the place from rest of the world. she was ruled by the parents most of the time against her own will. she was very obedient, sincere and had a leadership qualities with excellent academic records.


After a detail case analysis and taking her chief complaints, physical generals and mental characteristics into consideration, Carcinosin 200 single dose was prescribed.


Patient was advised to do ‘Ultrasound of Thyroid gland’, which was done on 8th June’ a23.

Findings were as follows:

Right lobe of thyroid measure = 1.8 x 1.6 x 2.9 cm.

Left lobe of thyroid measure = 1.8 x 2.1 x 3.4 cm.

isthmus measure 7 mm with ill-defined hypoechoic areas along with increased vascularity suggestive of Thyroiditis??

Follow Ups:



Sr no. Date Prescription
1 08-07-2023 – swelling around the neck was further reduced.
– Headache was further reduced since last follow-up.
– weakness was completely cured.
– Frequency of getting dreams of running away became rare.Investigation Done:
Thyroid profile was repeated on 12-08-2023. All parameters were within normal limits.T3: 91.8 T4 : 11 TSH: 0.08Size of the thyroid gland reduced as compared to previous scan on USG, the findings were:
Right lobe : 1.3 x 1.4 x 3.1 cm.
Left lobe : 1.5 x 1.7 x 2.7 cm.
SL 200
x 40 days.
2 12-08-2023 – swelling around the neck was further reduced.
– Headache was further reduced since last follow-up.
– weakness was completely cured.
– Frequency of getting dreams of running away became rare.Investigation Done:
Thyroid profile was repeated on 12-08-2023. All parameters were within normal limits.
T3: 91.8 T4 : 11 TSH : 0.08Size of the thyroid gland reduced as compared to previous scan on USG, the findings were:
Right lobe : 1.3 x 1.4 x 3.1 cm.
Left lobe : 1.5 x 1.7 x 2.7 cm.
SL 200
x 40 days.
3 09-09-2023 – swelling around the neck was further reduced.
– Headache was further reduced since last follow-up.
– weakness was completely cured.
– Frequency of getting dreams of running away became rare.Investigation Done:
Thyroid profile was repeated on 12-08-2023. All parameters were within normal limits.
T3: 91.8 T4 : 11 TSH: 0.08Size of the thyroid gland reduced as compared to previous scan on USG, the findings were:
Right lobe : 1.3 x 1.4 x 3.1 cm.
Left lobe : 1.5 x 1.7 x 2.7 cm- swelling was reduced by 90%
– No episode of headache since last follow-up
– Not got any dreams of running away since last follow-up. All physical generals were normal.Investigation Done: Thyroid profile was showing normal limits, the findings were:
T3 : 66.9 T4 : 7 TSH: 2.84




Points to be noted: Repeat Thyroid USG Scan done on 11-08-2023 showing normal size of right and left lobes of thyroid gland as compared to previous scan done on 08-06-2023 where lobes were increased in size and was appearing bulky. Size of isthmus reduced to 4.5 mm from 7mm.



Points to be noted: repeat Thyroid profile done on 06-09-2023 showing results within normal limits as compared to previous readings.


Homeopathy presents a promising alternative for those seeking a holistic approach to thyroid health. When administered at the correct time and in the correct potency, homeopathic remedies can help alleviate symptoms, address underlying causes, and support the body’s innate healing abilities.