A 41 years old male patient name V.M. (Registration number: ACU-63) visited to HOMEO CARE CLINIC (11/10/2023) and his chief complaints was his blood pressure always high near about 180/100. His symptom headache dizziness vertigo and fear anxiety.

BP-180/100 mmhg (1st time 2021)

160/90 mmgh

170/100mmgh BP always like this.

He did some investigation: –

ECG was normal and cholesterol was high and took some allopathy medicine for 3to 4 month but still BP was higher to be normal.


Patient had right shoulder surgery in 2014 and he had suffered from covid in 2022.


His father has Hypertension, DM.

His mother has also hypertension and diabetes mellitus

His 1 Sibling (1 elder sister) has healthy.


Patient appetite was good and he could not bear hunger, he liked worm food and favorite food was Sweets, his thirsty level was also good. In addition to above his urine and motion was normal. He had a disturbed sleep with dream of ghost. Patient had some   habit of tea, and no coffee, Alcohol, smoke etc. his working speed was normal.  His aversion to milk by taste and smell He was right handed.

THERMALS: -Hot patient

MENTAL ASSESMENT: -Patient from Nagpur and sifted in pune from 1 year with his family. He was extrovert. And easily mix-up with peoples. He was like study in childhood and always toper in class. He was like playing games .and he was very conscious to his fitness, in group more of talker. He had stage fear, and he had leadership quality. He had positive attitude and always think positive and he had ego issue.


After a detail case analysis and taking his chief complaints, physical generals and mental characteristic into consideration Calcarea sulph 200 single was prescribed.

FOLLOW-UP (15/11/2023)

No History of cold cough. And BP was normal 130/80mmgh, no palpitation and during this course of treatment only one time he had headache and fear was reduced. Given medicine for 40 days.

FOLLOW-UP (09/01/2024)

NO palpitation presents. Fear was not present and BP were normal 120/80mmgh, and no headache patient all symptoms improved 90%to 95%. Given medicine for 40 days


In conclusion, Homeopathy a holistic approach to treating Hypertension with anxiety However, it is important to consult a qualified practitioner for correct time and dosage and duration of treatment. Remedies can help alleviate symptom, report underlying causes, and support the body’s vital healing abilities.