

A 3-year-old male child named S.K (Registration number: ACJ-114) was brought to Homeo Care Clinic by his parents dated 22nd March 2023. Parents stated that “child does not pay attention to his surroundings. He gets irritated when someone does not listen to him. He beats people in anger. He is obsessed about moving vehicles. He clenches his teeth and fist very frequently. He likes to sit and play in solitude.

At school, He always prefers to be alone. He recognizes the alphabet but is not able to write it. He does not make eye contact with anyone. His concentration is poor. He is a very inquisitive child. He loves to eat undigested things like talcum powder. His speech was not clear to others. He does not recognize the parents as well.

His parents revealed that at the time of birth, his twin brother was very weak, so they had to give attention to him, and he got neglected for some time.

On observation, the child was very hyperactive. he was seeing everything in the consultation room with great curiosity. He was un attentive and engaged in incoherent talk.




There was no specific past medical, surgical or hospitalization history.




There was a family history of Hypothyroidism.




The patient’s appetite was good. His milestones were delayed. Thermally, he was a hot patient.




He was a second child, and it was an unplanned and unwanted pregnancy for the mother. She never wanted twins. She was in a state of confusion throughout her pregnancy.




After a detail case analysis and taking her chief complaints, physical generals, and mental characteristics of the patient and mother into consideration, Sulph Iod 200 single dose was prescribed.



Sr no.   Date   Prescription
1 29-04-2023
  • The child’s activity improved.
  • The understanding level was improved.
  • All physical generals were normal.
SL 200X 40 Days
2 29-05-2023
  • The child’s activity was improved further.
  • Hyperactivity was reduced.
  • The speech was a bit improved.
  • All physical generals were normal.
SL 200
X 40 days.
3 17-08-2023
  • Attentiveness was improved.
  • Now he was able to recognize the parents and strangers.
  • The speech was further improved.
  • Teeth clenching was reduced.
  • The writing was improved. child started writing in standing lines.
  • The child had stopped eating talcum powder.
  • Eye contact was improved.
SL 200
X 40 days.
4 12-10-2023
  • Anger was reduced.
  • The child was still irritable.
  • The speech was further improved.
SL 200
X 40 days.
5 27-11-2023
  • The child became more social.
  • The speech was significantly improved
  • Irritableness was reduced.
  • Concentration was improved
SL 200
X 40 days.


Homeopathy presents a promising alternative for those seeking a holistic approach to ADHD. When administered at the correct time and in the correct potency, homeopathic remedies can help alleviate symptoms, address underlying causes, and support the body’s innate healing abilities.