A 15 years old male patient name S.D. (Registration number: ACB-75) visited to HOMEO CARE CLINIC (10/09/2022) and his chief complaints was hair losses in patches on his head in the last 4 months which was cause of Alopecia Areata.

Alopecia Areata increased gradually in size.

1st 3-4 month

2nd 3-4 month

C/o: Occiput Region, along with Acne on Site-Face for past 2 years.

Frequency: 2-3 acne in a week

Intensity: 4-5 day


PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:  Patient had suffered from Covid-19 in 2021, no surgery and hospitalization history as per present.




  1. His father has Hypertension, Alopecia Areata
  2. His mother has also hypertension.
  3. His 2 Sibling (2 elder sisters) has no medical history.




Patient appetite was good and he could not bear hunger, he liked worm food and favorite food was non-veg, his thirsty level was also good. In addition to above his urine and motion was normal. He had a good sleep without dream. Patient had not any habit of tea, coffee, Alcohol, smoke etc. his working speed was normal. He was right handed.


THERMALS : Hot Patient


MENTAL ASSESMENT: Patient was staying with his family. He was mix-up in peoples easily. In group more of listener very naughty and average studies in his childhood. He had low confident, stage fear also be there, and he had leadership quality. he was always expected to be good in his looked wise. He was very conscious to his respect and his looks and also sensitive to criticism and insult. And low confidence. Always present insecurity to all things like family and job etc. Always be confusion present. He takes risks. Memory was good. He had never taken responsibilities to front of self but when someone gives he was completed that. He was suppressed his anger. If someone talked to him in rudeness way he was ignore that person. But he feels very bad and get sad, think 1-2 days on same topic.

(in sort he is overthinker). He was egoistic. Could not say sorry easily.

Nothing any problem to sun.

Nothing problem to music he was comfortable to noise, no complain of weather changes vision was normal hearing also normal smell and taste normal.




After a detail case analysis and taking his chief complaints, physical generals and mental characteristic into consideration Calcarea Sulph 200 single was prescribed.



1. FOLLOW-UP (16/10/2022)

No History of cold cough, after 40 days hair coming on Alopecia Areata area, acne also reduced. Medicine given for 40 days

2. FOLLOW-UP (22/01/2023)

Hair growth were increased on Alopecia Areata area, big all acne was also reduced small acne frequency decreased. Given medicine for 40 days.

3. FOLLOW-UP (01/04/2023)

Hair coming 75% on scalp (Alopecia Areata) small acne reduced. Given same medicine, pigmentation had reduced

4. FOLLOW-UP (10/06/2023)

Hair coming 85% on scalp (Alopecia Areata) small acne reduced. pigmentation had not present and big acne also had completely cure.

5. FOLLOW-UP (03/08/2023)

Hair coming 95% on scalp (Alopecia Areata) small acne reduced. pigmentation had not present and big acne had completely cure in previous follow-up.

All mental and physical general were normal.



In conclusion, Homeopathy a holistic approach to treating Alopecia Areata, However, it is important to consult a qualified practitioner for correct time and dosage and duration of treatment. Remedies can help alleviate symptom, report underlying causes, and support the body’s vital healing abilities.