Cure of Cystic Acne With Peeling and Homeopathic Medicated Facial


A 21  years young male patient named S.G ( Registration number: ACQ-32) visited Homeo Care Clinic  dated 16TH July 2023 with the chief complaints of cystic acne on the face since 1 year. The acne would left hyper-pigmented scars on face that were hard to disappear. The frequency of getting acne was once a week and it would last for one week before leaving scar on face.

The patient was looking for aesthetic treatment only.

He had no cosmetic / drugs / food allergy.

Treatment Advised:

Patient was advised 5 sessions of medicated facial complementing with 25% Glycolic peel and 30% of Sali peel.

1st Session:



1st session was done on 17-07-2023.

Procedure done: The face was closely examined for any kind of local infection.

Combination of 25% glycolic and 30% Sali peel was  applied followed by medicated facial with Homeopathic tinctures for more radiant and chemical free aesthetic look.

The whole procedure took 1 hour and 30 minutes of dedicated work.

Patient was called after 20 days for follow up.

2nd Session:



2nd Session was done on 07-08-2023

1st Follow up

On Examination, Acne and pigmentation was 50% reduced. Skin was looking 1 shade lighter.

Same procedure was repeated and Patient was called after 20 days for followup

3rd Session:



3rd  Session was done on 27-08-2023

2nd follow up:

On Examination, Acne and pigmentation was 80% reduced. Skin was looking 2 shade lighter.


Homeopathy not only act internally but also has marked impact when apply locally.