

A 54-year-old Female patient name S.P. (Registration number: ACN-81) visited HOMEO CARE CLINIC on 05/6/2023, her chief complaint was pigmentation on leg and sever itching but no pain it is gradually increasing and sifting right leg to left leg and upper lip and as well as palms and soles. And skin was very dry itching and burning were present. The diagnosis was LICHEN PLANUS.



In childhood she had tonsillitis, chicken pox and malaria, hypothyroidism, and diabetes mellitus; those were past medical histories.



Her mother had Diabetes mellitus, rheumatoid arthritis,

Her father had psoriasis.

She has three siblings: (1 elder brother has diabetes mellitus, and 1 younger brother is healthy, and the patient is the second.



Patients appetite was good, cannot tolerate hunger, likes salty thing and diet mix veg and non-veg both. Thirst was poor thirst less. Urine and motion was normal; aversion to curd and profuse perspiration, sleep was also good. The patient was right-handed. And always desire warm food and pickles. She told me her speed like talking and walking, was normal.





The patient was born and brought up Chennai. she was mix up with people easily in childhood as well as adulthood she was interest in study always topper student and Her nature were shyness, low confidence and very dominating nature in childhood. He was sort temper and get irritated easily on small things, as well as his nature, which was jolly now but had quality to argue and more of a talker in group. she had stage fear, and she had leadership qualities. she was always expected to be good in her look wised. She was very conscious to her respect. She has a sharp memory. She was taking quick in decision, she was always confused. She was adjusted according to situations. when someone criticize her, she did not accept easily. She was ambitious and will power be strong she had overthinking in positive way and did all the thing on the spot no preplanning and as well as she was straightforward and she had spent lots of money and she prefer always in group and in group more for talker and she had also helping nature and caring. she had anxiety about her son. Her not working and he did not take responsibility she was very possessive about her son future. And her husband separates her son she was feeling very loneliness and always miss him that is the region of her anxiety.



After a detailed case analysis and taking his chief complaints, physical generals and mental characteristics into consideration calcarea muriatica 200.

  1. FOLLOW-UP (12/07/2023)

No history of cold cough, no new spots of the lichen planus on that area and itching was reduced 60%,

Over all symptoms she feels 50% relief in first follow.

And as well as no burning. Medicine given for 40 days.

  1. FOLLOW-UP (19/09/2023)

Lichen planus reduced 70% no itching and no dryness of skin and spot becomes light in color.

Medicine give for 40 days.

  1. FOLLOW-UP (26/10/2023)

Lichen planus on foot 90% reduced and spot becoming lighter. Some patches on thigh also it reduced 95%.

Medicine give for 40 days.



In conclusion, Homeopathy a holistic approach to treating Lichen planus However, it is important to consult a qualified practitioner for correct time and dosage and duration of treatment. Remedies can help alleviate symptom, report underlying causes, and support the body’s vital healing abilities.