A Journey to Healing IBS Patient through Homeopath




A 42-year-old female patient named S.G. (registration number: ACF-49) visited HOMEO CARE CLINIC on 06/12/2022, his chief complaint was when she ate some spacy her suffering from vomiting and loose motion. Acidity, anxiety. The diagnosis was IBS.


Symptoms of Patient

Abdominal pain, Motion: semi solid Rumbling and gurgling sound in the stomach, Mucus in the stool. Frequency -daily complaints of Anxiety from 7-8 months mostly she had overthinker in a negative way and her lips were dry.



As such no past medical history, like any disease, surgery, and hospitalization.



Her father had Acidity.

Her mother had Acidity and overthinking.

She has three siblings (3 elder brother was healthy).



Patients appetite was good, cannot tolerate hunger, likes spacy thing and diet mix veg and non-veg both. Thirst was good. Urine and motion mucus in stool, sleep was disturbed. The patient was right-handed. And always desire for warm food. She told her speed like talking and walking earlier was fast and now slow.




MENTAL ASSESMENT: – Patient was staying with his family in Nashik. His nature was shy and introverted taking time to mix -up with people, low confidence and very dominating nature in childhood. He was sort temper and got irritated on small things, as well as his nature jolly now but had quality to argue and more of talker in group. he had stage fear, and he had leadership qualities. he was always expected to be good-looking. he was very conscious to his respect and very sensitive to criticism and insult. He has weak memory. He was poor in taking decisions, he was always confused. he was adjusted according to situation. when someone criticize him, he does not accept it easily.



After a detail case analysis and taking his chief complaints, physical generals, and mental characteristics into consideration Calcarea 200.


  1. FOLLOW-UP (14/02/2023)

No history of cold cough, pain in the abdomen was reduced 30%, vomiting frequency 1 time a day stool semi-solid rumbling reduced, and acidity present anxiety and overthinking was reduced 40% Medicine given for 40 days.


  1. FOLLOW-UP (14/05/2023)

Pain in the abdomen 60% reduced vomiting frequency also decreased and motion became normal no mucus present in the stool. rumbling sound also decreased 70%. Acidity was reduced 60% no anxiety was present. the patient feels comfortable. Medicine give for 40 days.


  1. FOLLOW-UP (25/08/2023)

Abdominal pain was reduced 80% no burning and no loos motion. it could be once a month. Acidity reduced 80% no anxiety and no overthinking. Medicine is given for 40 days.


  1. FOLLOW-UP (16/10/2023)

Relief in abdominal pain 100% and in burning there was also 100% relief, and mucus was not present in stool and no loos motion that present. Acidity was also relief at 95% and no anxiety and negative thinking.



In conclusion, Homeopathy a holistic approach to treating IBS causes abdominal pain vomiting, loose motion and anxiety, However, it is important to consult a qualified practitioner to control IBS, up & down to avoid any further big problem creation in the body. Remedies can help alleviate symptoms, report underlying causes, and support the body’s vital healing abilities.