

A 4 years young male child named R.M  ( Registration number: ACX-08) brought to Homeo Care Clinic by his parents dated 22nd Oct 2023 . Parents stated that, they started observing some abnormality in child when he was 2 years old. The first symptoms they observed was delayed speech. He was taking occupational therapy since past one year but the improvement was not so significant. The child was very hyperactive and aggressive. He had no grip while writing. child has very low immunity, he used to fall sick for 20 days in a month.

child had sharp memory. although the child was very hyperactive but he would sit at one place at school. He was fond of dancing and was stage performer.



There was no specific past medical, surgical or hospitalization history.



Child’s paternal Grandfather had autism. He had strong paternal history of mental illness.



Patient’s appetite was good. He had significant craving for sweets. Thermally he was hot patient.



Mother stated that when she came to know about her pregnancy, the first feeling she had was regret. she was not wanting child. she was blaming her self that she should have used protection. she was not eating well for 6 months with the intention that the child would get abort if she will not eat well. For initial 6 months, she had no emotional connection with the unborn child.



After a detail case analysis and taking her chief complaints, physical generals and mental characteristics of patient and mother into consideration, Sulph 200 single dose was prescribed, and follow up was scheduled after 40 days.




– Hyperactivity of child was reduced by 50%

– His aggression was significantly reduced. now he was much calm.

– His gripping power was improved and writing skill was also improved.

– Child started becoming socializing.

– Child started talking in sentences. earlier he used to talk in words only.

– He had not fallen sick even once since last visit. 



Homeopathy presents a promising alternative for those seeking a holistic approach to Autism. When administered at the correct time and in the correct potency, homeopathic remedies can help alleviate symptoms, address underlying causes, and support the body’s innate healing abilities.