65 Years Old Man Recovered From Prostate Enlargement & Urine Block | Case Study

Homeopathy treatment for prostate enlargement and urine block

65 years Old Male Mr. N. P (Patient Identification Number – ABG-100) visited our clinic on 23rd March 2021, for complaints of Urine Blockage, Unable to pass urine. The patient had come directly from Hospital with a Urine catheterization bag attached and holding urine bag in hand.

The allopathic doctor advised him surgery for enlarged prostate. He had a history of Urine not passing completely, Continuous urine sensation present, Burning while passing urine, He had to go multiple times for urine for many years.

USG Pelvis (20/2/2021) revealed moderate BEP. Pre void volume: 225 cc, Post void: 68 cc, Prostrate enlargement: 89 cc.

USG Pelvis (16/08/21) revealed moderate BEP with pre-void volume 250, post void volume: 30 cc which was minimum post-void residual urine.  This was a significant recovery in just few months after starting the treatment.

The most significant improvement experienced by the patient after the treatment was reduction in the PSA (prostate specific antigen) levels. The PSA reduced from PSA: -5.13 20/2/2021 to PSA – 3.65 on 16/08/2021. All the investigations (USG and PSA) were done from the same diagnostic center to avoid any variations.

Physical Generals:

He is an alcoholic, watchman, He enjoyed a good appetite and had a craving for spicy and meat.

Family History:

There had a strong family history of hypertension. His father, mother, and brother were hypertensive.

Past History:

There was no major illness.

Self And Family Set-Up:

He was a watchman by profession. His family comprised of his wife, who was a homemaker, and his mother, who was 90-years-old.

By nature, he was a very angry and irritable person.


The case was reviewed by Dr. Vaseem Choudhary and homeopathic medicine was prescribed.


The patient gave a call (Online Consultation) to clinic for a follow-up on 26th March 2021 (within 3 days of medicine) that he was able to pass urine freely. The patient was concerned about the burning sensation while passing the urine as it disturbed him the most. He was free from other symptoms, such as increased frequency, urgency, and pain. The patient was surprised to see the results after comparing the sonography reports of 16th August 2021. The post void urine reduced from 68 cc to 30 cc. Dr. Vaseem advised the patient to hydrate adequately and be active. He was also suggested a few abdominal exercises, specifically for prostate enlargement, which would support the recovery.

The second follow-up of the patient was a remarkable one. The patient visited us on 06th April 2021(During Second Lockdown) and he mentioned that he was 90% free from symptoms of urine burning urine coming in drops Urine urgency, etc. Further medicines were prescribed to him for the conditions, according to the feedback given by the patient.

Later, on 16th August 2021, the patient visited for his follow-up. The burning in urine completely stopped and no other complaints.


Every case is important for a homeopath. Every disease condition has its scope and limitation. Conditions like prostate enlargement in a 65-years-old individual also had its limitations. The patient was well-aware about the same and did not expect a miracle to happen at this point of time. The patient was about to go for a surgery But, well-selected homeopathic medicines help in increasing the horizon of the scope of homeopathy as it did in this case. It can be concluded that homeopathy is strongly recommended in cases like prostate enlargement.  

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