Introduction Hepatitis B is a viral infection that primarily affects the liver, causing inflammation and potential long-term complications. It is a si...
Hallervorden – Spatz Disease
Introduction Hallervorden-Spatz Disease (HSD), also known as neurodegeneration with brain iron accumulation (NBIA), is a rare, genetic disorder that p...
पावसाळ्यातील साथीच्या आजारासंदर्भात या गोष्टी तुम्ही जाणून घेणे आवश्यक
पावसाळ्यात हवेतील आर्द्रता व सूर्यकिरणांचा अभाव हा जीव...
Cold Chronicles
Introduction: Frequent colds can be a source of discomfort and annoyance for many individuals. They can affect our productivity, disrupt our daily rou...
Effective Treatment of Cholelithiasis (Gallstones) with Homeopathy
Understanding Cholelithiasis (Gallstones) and Its Homeopathic Approach Cholelithiasis, commonly known as gallstones, is a condition where hardened dep...
होमिओपॅथीच्या मदतीने हायपर ऍसिडिटी पासून सुटका मिळवा
हायपर ऍसिडिटी(Hyperacidity) रोजच्या जीवनशैलीत हायपर ऍसिडिटी(Hyperacidi...
Homeopathy Awareness Week 2023 At Homeo Care Clinic
Homeopathy Awareness Week Homeopathy Awareness Week takes place annually from April 10th to April 16th with its primary aim being to increase awarenes...