Tenosynovial giant cell tumors & Its Homeopathic Management
Tenosynovial giant cell tumors (TGCT), formerly known as pigmented villonodular synovitis (PVNS), are rare, benign, but locally aggressive tumors that...
Fissure in Ano
Fissure in Ano: Understanding, Managing, and Healing Naturally Fissure in ano, commonly referred to as an anal fissure, is a painful condition that ca...
पिंपल्स मुळे चेहऱ्यावर पडलेले खड्डे आणि होमिओपॅथी उपचार(Homeopathic Treatment For Pits on Face due to Pimples)
प्रत्येक स्त्रीला ती सुंदर दिसावी असे वाटते. चेहरा हा स्...
Top 5 Facts About Homeopathy in India
Homeopathy, a form of alternative medicine, has been gaining popularity in India over the years. In fact, India is one of the largest markets for home...
Backache Homeopathic Treatment, Causes & Symptoms
Backache, or back pain, is a common health problem that affects millions of people worldwide. Whether it’s due to poor posture, injury, or underlyin...
सर्दियों में सुखी रूखी बेजान त्वचा के लिए होम्योपैथिक दवा (Homeopathic Medicine For Dry Dull Skin In Winter)
सर्दियों में सुखी, रूखी और बेजान त्वचा के लिए होम्योपैथि...