Introduction Mostly Ticks bite can be harmless but sometimes they can infect you with diseases like – Lyme disease or spotted fever. Ticks are typic...
सोरायसिसच्या उपचारात होमिओपॅथी कशी मदत करते(How Homeopathy Helps in Treating Psoriasis)
सोरायसिस का होतो(Why does Psoriasis occur)? वास्तविक, सोरायसिस रोग तेव्ह...
पांढरे ठिपके, त्वचारोग, आणि होमिओपॅथी(White Spots, Vitiligo, and Homeopathy)
होमिओपॅथीचा इतिहास(History Of Homeopathy) होमिओपॅथी एक जुनी आणि सुरक...
Have a Glowing And Soft Skin With Homeopathic Remedies
Introduction of Skin Skin is defined as a thin layer of tissue forming the outer covering of the body. Skin is said to be the body’s largest organ. ...
Homeopathic Treatment on Seborrheic Dermatitis
INTRODUCTION Seborrheic Dermatitis is a common skin condition that mainly affects your scalp It mainly targets oily areas of the body such as the scal...
Homeopathy for Skin Infections
Almost around the world, there are more than 3000 skin diseases seen which affect the appearance of skin and also self-confidence. Skin is said to be ...
National Healthy Skin Month
INTRODUCTION National Healthy Skin Month is celebrated in the month of November. It is sponsored by the American Academy of Dermatology. It helps in t...
Molluscum Contagiosum & Homeopathy: A Natural Approach to Healing
Understanding Molluscum Contagiosum Molluscum Contagiosum is a common viral skin infection that causes small, painless, raised bumps on the skin. It i...