Introduction Alzheimer’s Disease was first introduced in the year 1906. Auguste Deter was the first patient who was diagnosed with this disease. Emi...
Atherosclerosis: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment & Homeopathic Medicines
The word atherosclerosis was first introduced in the year 1904. Felix Marchand was the first person to describe that atherosclerosis often is the caus...
एलोपेसिया एरीटा क्या है और जानिए उसपर होम्योपैथिक उपचार(What Is Alopecia Areata And Know Its Homeopathic Treatment)?
एलोपेसिया एरीटा(Alopecia Areata) एलोपेसिया एरीटा(Alopecia Areata) एक ऐसी बीम...
Chocolate Cyst
Chocolate cysts are noncancerous, fluid-filled cysts that typically form deep within the ovaries. They get their name from their brown, tar-like appea...
Mental illness Awareness Week
Introduction Mental illness Awareness Week is observed in the month of October. According to researchers, about 50 percent of the population are suffe...
World Food Day
Introduction World food day is observed on 16th October every year. This day was internationally celebrated all across 150 countries to commemorate th...
हाता-पायाला मुंग्या यावर होमिओपॅथिक उपाचार | झूनझुनी येणे (Homeopathic Remedy for tingling hands and feet)
हाता-पायाला मुंग्या(tingling hands and feet) हाता-पायाला मुंग्या येणे य...
World Mental Health Day
Introduction 10th October is considered a World Mental Health Day. This day brings an opportunity for all the supporters and stakeholders to come toge...