Introduction Mostly Ticks bite can be harmless but sometimes they can infect you with diseases like – Lyme disease or spotted fever. Ticks are typic...
होमिओपॅथीने केसांच्या समस्या दूर होऊ शकतात(Can homeopathy cure hair problems)?
केसांच्या समस्या(Hair Problems) केस हा मानवी सौंदर्याचा अविभाज्य...
सोरायसिसच्या उपचारात होमिओपॅथी कशी मदत करते(How Homeopathy Helps in Treating Psoriasis)
सोरायसिस का होतो(Why does Psoriasis occur)? वास्तविक, सोरायसिस रोग तेव्ह...
पांढरे ठिपके, त्वचारोग, आणि होमिओपॅथी(White Spots, Vitiligo, and Homeopathy)
होमिओपॅथीचा इतिहास(History Of Homeopathy) होमिओपॅथी एक जुनी आणि सुरक...
इरेक्टाइल डिसफंक्शनसाठी होमिओपॅथिक उपचार (Erectile Disfunction in Marathi)
परिचय (Erectile Dysfunction Meaning in Marathi) Erectile Dysfunction (ED) म्हणजेच पुरुषांमध्ये लै...
National Health Center Week(4th Aug- 10th Aug)
National Health Center Week is observed in the second week of August every year and takes place from August 7 to 13 this year. It is promoted by the N...
Are Steroids Present In Homeopathic Medicines?
INTRODUCTION:- Its been proven long ages ago that steroids are chemical compounds like alkaloids, tannin, and alcohol. A variety of steroids are fou...