ऑस्टियोआर्थराइटिस पुराने ऑस्टियोआर्थराइटिस एक अपक्षय...
हाथ पैरों में सुन्नपन? गंभीर बीमारी के लक्षण(Numbness in hands and feet? Symptoms of serious illness)
शरीर के विभिन्न हिस्सों में झुनझुनी होना आम है। झुनझुनी ...
Homeopathic remedies to manage weakness, excessive thirst, & cold extremities.
INTRODUCTION • Weakness is said to be an ability lacking physical and mental strength causing feebleness of movement. • Excessive thirst could be ...
Can Homeopathy remedies Cure PCOD?
Introduction • Nowadays Polycystic ovarian Disease is said to be one of the most prevalent problems worldwide. • Polycystic ovarian disease is sai...
5 Top Reasons To Choose Homeopathy
Based on individualization Homeopathic treatment differs from patient to patient having a similar disease. Physicians prescribe remedies based on an i...
Latest News-Soon Homeopathy Treatment To Be Available At Government Hospitals In Maharashtra
Pune, 11th April 2022: As of now only Allopathy and Ayurvedic doctors can be recruited in the government hospitals. But soon the Homoeopathy doctors w...
Importance Of Personalized Homeopathic Treatment
The customized approach to treating patients with homeopathy is increasing at a faster pace worldwide. Homeopathy is based on symptom similarity where...