Childhood Cancer & Homeopathy Ways to Prevent

Homeopathic Treatment for Childhood Cancer

In today’s era, Thousands of children are diagnosed with cancer each year which is making childhood cancer a significant global health concern. Childhood cancers are typically developed as a result of genetic mutations or developmental errors, unlike adult cancers which are more related to lifestyle & dietary factors.

Advancement of medical science and the invention of Alternative modes of treatment like Homeopathy made Childhood cancer manageable & treatable if detected at an early stage.



Globally, It is found that approximately 3 lakh children among the age group 0-19 years are diagnosed with various kinds of cancers each year. In India, Childhood Cancers comprise of 3-5 % of total cancer cases. The most common childhood cancers include :

  • Leukemia ( Blood Cancer)
  • Brain tumors ( Benign & Malignant)
  • Lymphomas ( Cancer of the lymphatic system)
  • Neuroblastomas ( cancer of early nerve cell called neuroblast. It develops in infancy before birth)
  • Wilms’ tumor ( kidney cancer)


Causes of Childhood Cancer :

Some common risk factors for childhood cancers include :

  • Hereditary factors or Genetic mutation: A child having a family history of cancer is more prone to develop cancer at an early or later stage of childhood.
  • Exposure to Radiation: Repetitive exposure to radiation at the prenatal or postnatal period due to some medical treatment, can make the child more susceptible to developing cancer.
  • Infections: Certain hazardous viral infections like EBV or HIV can lead to cancer-like lymphomas.


Symptoms of Childhood Cancer :

Symptoms of Childhood cancers depend upon the type  and location of the cancerous tumor, However common signs and symptoms include :

  • Unexplained and persistent weight loss without any definite cause.
  • Fatigue or extreme tiredness.
  • Persistent joint pain.
  • Frequent episodes of fever and various infections.
  • Unexplained bleeding or bruising is seen on the body of the child.
  • Hard tender swelling or lump can be felt in the abdomen or neck of the child.
  • Morning headaches are often associated with vomiting.
  • Sudden causeless blurring of vision.

Preventive Measures :

Following preventive care can help in reducing risk factors that give rise to cancers in children, These include :

  • Avoid unnecessary Radiation during pregnancy & early childhood.
  • Daily vaccination against cancer-related viral infections like HPV and Hepatitis B.
  • Prenatal Care during pregnancy with healthy nutrition and a toxins-free environment helps reduce fetal developmental issues.
  • Early Genetic Screening: Couples having a family history of cancers should seek genetic counseling to reduce the risk factors.


Standard Medicines Approach along with Side Effects:

Conventional therapy for Childhood cancer usually offers surgery of the affected part at the initial stage but as the condition advances, the treatments offered are Chemotherapy or radiation therapy which come with bundles of side effects like Low Immunity, More chances to catch new infections, hair loss and tiredness.


Advantages of Using Homeopathy for Childhood Cancers:

  • Holistic Approach: Homeopathy not only treats the disease but the person as a whole, the same rule applies to the treatment of childhood cancers also. Homeopathic medicines not only address the symptoms of the disease but also consider the emotional aspects of the patients to treat the disease from its root cause.
  • Individualized Treatment: Homeopathic medicines are not prescribed based on general symptoms of cancer, but it is prescribed taking into account the unique characteristics and symptoms of the case that give each cancer case its individuality, therefore the medicines prescribed are more authentic and helps in relieving patients as a whole rather than just merely suppressing the symptoms. 
  • Gentle and Non-invasive: Unlike conventional medicines, Homeopathic medicines are derived from natural resources and are made with the process of potentization. Homeopathic medicines are safe and can be taken by any age group without having any side effects or after-effects.
  • Supportive Care: Homeopathy can be used alongside conventional treatment like chemotherapy & Radiation therapy. It helps minimize the side effects of chemotherapy and boosts the immune system of the cancer patient to fight this toughest battle.


Homeopathic Medicines to Manage Childhood Cancer:

  • Conium: This remedy is indicated where there is a hard stony lump present. It helps in managing slow-growing cancer. It helps to control cancerous ulceration in the mouth or tongue.
  • Carcinosinum: This remedy is very useful when cancer has metastasized to other parts of the body. This remedy is often can be thought of if there is a family history of cancer with marked fatigue and weakness.
  • Silicea: This remedy is indicated in Brain tumors which lead to malignancies. It helps in reducing tumor size that comes with associated symptoms like headaches, vomiting, and weakness.
  • Arsenicum Album: This remedy is useful in treating advanced stages of cancer. This remedy is indicated when cancer is associated with Anxiety, extreme weakness, and restlessness.
  • Merc Sol: This remedy is indicated in esophageal Cancer with ulceration. The patient often experiences excessive salivation, a metallic taste in the mouth, and offensive breathing.



  • For how long does Homeopathy take to show improvement?

The timeline for renovation differs for every person plus relies on aspects such as the phase of cancer cells’ general wellness along with adherence to therapy.

  • Can homeopathy heal childhood cancer?

Yes, Homeopathy intends to sustain the body’s all-natural recovery procedures and also enhance lifestyle. It can boost total health as well as ease signs.

  • Can homeopathy be used along with other form of treatments?

Yes, Homeopathy can be used along with other treatments, when used with other treatments, it helps to boost the immune system to support the treatment.

  • Is homeopathy safe for all age groups including pregnant women?

Yes, Homeopathy is a safe mode of treatment when prescribed by a qualified physician. 

  • Can Homeopathy cure all stages of cancer?

Homeopathy can cure cancer if detected at an early stage and in advanced stages of cancer, Homeopathy can help as a palliative without causing any side effects and dependency.

In conclusion,

Homeo Care Clinic offers a holistic approach to treating the disease. The remedies mentioned above can treat the underlying causes of the condition and offer relief from the discomfort. However, it is important to consult a qualified homeopathic practitioner for the correct dosage and duration of treatment. Homeo Care Clinic provides comprehensive care for various ailments and offers customized treatment plans based on individual requirements.

To schedule an appointment or learn more about our treatment, please visit our website or give us a call +91 9595211594  Our friendly staff will be happy to assist you. If you’re searching for the best homeopathy doctor, we are here to help.

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