Homeopathic Treatment for Albinism: Cause & Symptoms

Homeopathic Treatment for Albinism

Albinism Meaning :

Albinism is an inherited condition that leads to someone having very light skin, hair, and eyes. It happens because they have less melanin than usual in their body. Melanin gives skin, hair, and eyes their color. Except for vision problems, most people with albinism are just as healthy as anyone else.


  • There is a deficiency of melanin production due to a decrease in tyrosinase enzyme or mutation in tyrosine protein.
  • This low level of melanin results in milky white skin.

Albinism Symptoms are :

  • Absence in colour of hair, skin and eyes
  • Lighter white complexion of skin as compared to normal skin.
  • Impaired vision or blindness
  • Photophobia ( Sensitivity to light)
  • Nystagmus (involuntary movement of eyes).
  • Strabismus (crossed eyes)
  • Astigmatism

Diagnosis of Albinism :

  • Physical examination of hair and skin pigmentation
  • Eye examination such as electroretinogram test which includes check on potential nystagmus, strabismus photophobia.
  • Detail history of bleeding tendencies, or repeated injuries

Lifestyle Changes:

  • Use low vision eye field
  • Use sunscreen
  • Avoid prolonged sun exposure
  • Use clothing which are fully covered such as long sleeves, collared shirts, gloves, socks.
  • Protect eyes by wearing UV sunglasses

Homeopathic Management for Albinism:

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  •  Nitricum Acidum:

This remedy is one of the best effective remedies in treating albinism. Affected parts are more in the hands and legs . Usually suited in children accompanying symptoms of low vision. A person requiring this remedy tends to be restless sensitive, dissatisfied. Albinism causes feelings of anxiousness and fear of death Also there is the tendency of herpes, chilblains, cracks, and creases. Mentally patients are very pessimistic complaints are aggravated more in the evening and night and better while riding.

  • Causticum:

This is also one of the best remedies for the known cases of albinism. Ailments occur from long-lasting grief and sudden emotions. Soreness is marked which appears in folds of skin, back of ears, and between thighs . Skin prone to intertrigo during dentition. Also the tendency to warts formation.

  • Phosphorus:

This is also one of the best remedies for albinism. There is inflammation of mucous membrane, suited to tall slender narrow thin people . Mentally patient has a dread of death when alone. oversensitive to external impressions restlessness present. Purpura haemorrhagia. Complaints aggravate more on change of weather and due to physical and mental exertion .better in the open air.

  • Lycopodium:

This is one of the best remedies for skin problems. This remedy is adapted to symptoms that are gradually developing. Emaciation is well marked. Patient desires everything warmth. melancholic,  Extreme sensitive, apprehensive, Cannot bear new things. Skin appears to be dry, indurated thick and shrunken with violent itching brown freckles and spots appear on the skin. complaints aggravate more in warmth.

  • Sulphur:

This remedy is often prone to complaints which relapse. Mentally patient is very irritable, vivid, depressed, weak, childish peevishness in grown people. Very selfish no regard for others .skin is dry scaly indurated. itching burning all over the skin, excoriation in folds of skin Pruritis especially after warmth. Complaints aggravate more on washing, warmth feeling and better by cold. Click here to order your Medicine 


Can people with albinism see normally?

  • No, people with albinism often experience vision problems like sensitivity to light, reduced visual acuity, and involuntary eye movements, but corrective measures like glasses can help.

Does albinism affect life expectancy?

  • Albinism itself doesn’t affect life expectancy, but it increases sensitivity to sunlight, raising the risk of skin damage and cancer. With proper care, individuals can live normal, healthy lives.

Albinism and Eyes connection ?

  • Albinism affects the eyes by reducing melanin, leading to vision issues like light sensitivity, poor depth perception, and nystagmus (involuntary eye movement). Glasses or surgery can help manage symptoms.

Albinism Eye Color?

  • People with albinism usually have light-colored eyes, ranging from blue to light gray or brown. The lack of melanin can make eyes appear red or violet under certain lighting conditions.


Homeo Care Clinic offers a holistic approach to treating the disease. The remedies mentioned above can treat the underlying causes of the condition and offer relief from the discomfort. However, it is important to consult a qualified homeopathic practitioner for the correct dosage and duration of treatment. Homeo Care Clinic provides comprehensive care for various ailments, and offers customized treatment plans based on individual requirements.

To schedule an appointment or learn more about our treatment, please visit our website or give us a call +91 9595211594  Our best homeopathy doctor will here to help.

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