Homeopathic Remedies for Blepharospasm

Introduction –

Uncontrolled twitching and spasm of muscle force your eyelids closed. It is rae condition, its also very disruptive 


Types of blepharospasm

Primary – This is also called benign essential blepharospasm. This is when blepharospasm happens its own. It is harmless but disruptive 


Secondary -It is happpens for reason. It is more like a symptom of condition that ranges from minor to severe.


Blepharospasm CAUSES

It happens because of issues involving on of the following-

Cranial nerve VII – this nerve that carries nerve signals from brain to muscles of eyelids. Blepharospasm can happen if the cells in the facial nerve activate even brain isn’t sending signals through them 


The basal ganglia – This part of brain which helps with coordinating movements.

It causes blepharospasm


Blepharospasm Symptoms 

Twitching of eyelid is the main symptom of blepharospasm

  • It affects both eyes
  • Blinking of eyes 
  • Both eyelid spasm at the same time
  • Dry eyes
  • Irritation



  • Blepharospasm is most likely to happen between the ages 50 and 70
  • About 20-30% people also having blepharospasm because of genetics
  • Stress
  • Past eye injuries
  • Stress
  • Mental health issues

General Approach –

Onabatulinumtoxin A injection 


FL tinted lenses 



Homoeopathic management for blepharospasm often sought for their gentle and holistic approach


Homoeopathic treatment in blepharospasm


Mag phos – 

It is also called Homoeopathic aspirin it relives muscle spasms 


Cuprum metallicum –

This used in spasms and cramps especially  those are sudden and violent 


Natrum mur –

This medicine for emotional stress and supressed grief which affects blepharospasm


Causticum –

Muscle weakness and twitching 


FAQs –


1 What are the symptoms of blepharospasm ?


  • Dry eyes 
  • Irritation of eyes
  • Sensitive to light
  • Eyelid closure making it difficult to see 


2 Is blepharospasm Hereditary ?

Ans – There is evidence of blepharospasm runs in families , suggesting a potential genetic componant


3 Can blepharospasm be cured ?

Ans – Treatment for blepharospasm can reduce symptoms and improve quality of muscle 


4 Can Homeopathy treat blepharospasm ?

Ans – Homeopathy treat the underlying causes of blepharospasm.

 Homeopathic medicines are highly diluated natutal substances to stimulate the body’s self healing mechanisms. 


conclusion, Homeo Care Clinic offers a holistic approach to treating the disease. The remedies mentioned above can treat the underlying causes of the condition and offer relief from the discomfort. However, it is important to consult a qualified homeopathic practitioner for the correct dosage and duration of treatment. Homeo Care Clinic provides comprehensive care for various ailments, and offers customized treatment plans based on individual requirements.


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