National Child Abusive Prevention and Awareness

National Child Abusive Prevention and Awareness


National Child Abusive Prevention Month was introduced in America in the year  1983 President Barack Obama continued that tradition and in the year 2016 passed a resolution stating that  every child should be given a chance to be brought up in a safe and nurturing environment  which is free from abuse and neglect . Since then Child abusive Prevention month in America is an annual observance  in the United States dedicated to raising awareness and preventing child abuse .


Aim of this month is US Department of Health and Human Services states that funds are been provided by Community based grants to promote child and family wellbeing.

With help of community based programs systems support and interventions it is been reported that there were reduction in the number of cases been noted due to child neglect.

5 Categories of child abuse:

1. Physical abuse:

Hitting ,striking which causes physical harm

2. Sexual abuse:

Molesting, groping or raping

3. Emotional abuse:

Shouting ,yelling or withholding emotional connection

4. Medical abuse:

Denying needed medical services or creating fictional stories which puts child to a risk .

Causes of Child Abuse:

  • Poor parent and child relationship
  • Socioeconomic stress from financial issues, unemployment and medical problems
  • Lack of knowledge about basic child development
  • Lack of parenting skills to cope with pressure and struggles of raising a child.
  • Family stress caused by domestic violence, relation turmoil , separation or divorce.
  • Personal mental health issue of a child like low self confidence and feeling of incompetence.

Symptoms of child abuse:

  • Attempts to avoid parents and family members
  • Reluctant to leave activities such as school, sports , social gatherings
  • Low grades in studies
  • Inattentiveness in daily activities
  • Changes in behaviour such as anger , hostility , hyperactivity .
  • Self harm

 Homeopathic Role:

  • Homeopathy have played effective role in treating children with abuse and neglect disorder.
  • Dr. Vaseem Choudhary with his experience in Homeopathy have shown many positive results in treating children and bringing them back to normal routine.
  • At HOMEO CARE CLINIC under supervision of Dr. Vaseem Choudhary all trained doctors have cured many patients where after few visits parents have given positive testimonials about improvements in their child behaviour and response.
  • Homeopathic remedies like Nux Vomica , Chamomilla , Lycopodium, Ignatia, Anacardium , Natrum Muraticum have created wonders in regaining original identity of the child depending upon totality of symptoms based on individualization.

To know more about us please visit our center at Homeo Care Clinic, Pune for further assistance.