Pulmonary Fibrosis: Causes, Symptoms and Homeopathic Treatment

Pulmonary Fibrosis Treatment


Lung fibrosis, also known as pulmonary fibrosis, is a chronic and progressive lung disease where the tissue within the lungs becomes thickened, stiff, and scarred. It leads to cough, difficulty breathing, and low oxygen in the blood, causing various health complications. The treatments for lung fibrosis are few, and most focus on symptomatic management rather than cure. Although this is a homeopathic treatment for lung fibrosis, it offers a holistic approach toward improvement in lung function, alleviation of symptoms, and slowing down the rate of progression.

Homeo Care Clinic: Under the expert care of Dr. Vaseem Choudhary, individualized homeopathic treatment is given to patients suffering from lung fibrosis. The treatment includes eradication of root causes, symptom relief, and improving the quality of life.

Causes of Lung Fibrosis:

Lung fibrosis is not known in most cases. However, certain factors can lead to the development of this disease, especially in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, such as:

  • Environmental Toxins: Exposure to toxic substances for long periods, including asbestos, silica dust, coal dust, and chemical fumes that affect lung tissues.
  • Chronic Infections: Recurrent respiratory infections or uncontrolled lung infections are a cause of fibrosis.
  • Autoimmune Diseases: Scleroderma, lupus, and rheumatoid arthritis may cause lung fibrosis as an adverse reaction.
  • Radiation Therapy: In cases where the cancers occur in the chest, irradiation therapy may be related to lung fibrosis.
  • Medications: Chemotherapy drugs and some antiarrhythmic drugs, and antibiotics may cause pulmonary fibrosis as a side effect
  • Genetic Factors: A family history of lung fibrosis may predispose a person to this condition.

Symptoms of Lung Fibrosis:

The signs in lung fibrosis can be subjective and depend on the intensity, and they worsen over time as the disease advances. Such common symptoms include:

  • Shortness of Breath (Dyspnea): A key difficulty in breathing, especially during physical exertion, is the most prominent symptom of lung fibrosis.
  • Chronic Dry Cough: A chronic cough that a person feels cannot cease is usually among the key signs of lung fibrosis.
  • Fatigue: The patient may get very weak and feel tired because of the low oxygen content in the blood.
  • Chest Discomfort: There is a feeling of tightness, pain, or discomfort in the chest due to the thickening of lung tissue.
  • Clubbing of Fingers: Some of the tips of the fingers are curved round swelling on the tips of the fingers. This is known as clubbing. Clubbing typically is seen at the late stages of lung fibrosis. 
  • Weight Loss: Unintended weight loss takes place as the disease advances.

Conventional Treatment of Lung Fibrosis:

Symptom relief and slowing the disease progression are found to be the prime objectives of the treatment of lung fibrosis. Some conventional treatments include: 

  • Medications: Antifibrotic drugs, such as pirfenidone and nintedanib, which likely slow down the progression of fibrosis. 
  • Oxygen Therapy: Supplemental oxygen might be given to low-oxygen patients to improve breathing and energy.
  • Pulmonary Rehabilitation: Exercise and other physical therapies strengthen the lungs and limit the consequences of the disease in life.
  • Lung Transplant: In advanced cases of this disease, a lung transplant is the solution after all other treatments fail.

Homeopathic Treatment for Lung Fibrosis:

Homeopathy treatment for lung fibrosis will result in a safe, all-natural, and highly effective management of symptoms and prognosis of the disease. In homeopathy, the cure for pulmonary fibrosis is designed to reduce the lung tissue scars and improve the function of the lungs as well as the immunity. Homeopathic medicines are prescribed for each patient based on their symptoms, medical history, and overall health conditions, thus giving everybody a personalized approach.

Top Homeopathy Medicines for Lung Fibrosis:

Some of the most commonly prescribed homeopathic medicines for lung fibrosis, depending upon the specific symptoms and the underlying causes, are listed below:

  • Arsenicum Album: The best homeopathic medicine among the Arsenicum Album is that one which gives breathing issues, mostly at night. This remedy is markedly suited for patients suffering from lung fibrosis who suffer from anxiety and fear of breathing; that is, fear of suffocation. It helps relieve chest tightness and improves respiratory function.
  • Bryonia Alba: Bryonia is very useful to give when there is a dry hacking cough and the patient can’t get their breath. It is for patients who are better when lying down or when quiet. This remedy is to reduce inflammation in the lungs and stop new scarring.
  • Phosphorus: Also, the remedy contains phosphorus, which is appropriate for patients suffering with lung fibrosis: who experience shortness of breath, coughing, and fatigue. It is very effective in cases of recurrent infections of the respiratory or medical history of pneumonia, which often may lead to lung fibrosis.
  • Silicea: Silicea is administered to patients whose immunity is weak and who have repetitive infections of the respiratory tract. Silicea eliminates any remaining infection inside the lungs and stops further scarring in the lung tissues. Silicea also provides support to overall lung health.
  • Antimonium Tart: Majorly treated patients are those whose mucus production is excessive and there is rattling within their chest. The treatment using Antimonium Tart enables the expulsion of mucus from the lungs and supports easy flow of oxygen.
  • Kali Carb: Kali Carb is given to the patient when there is severe chest pain with shortness of breath and dry cough. It particularly occurs to the patients who experience fits of cough while sleeping, thus causing interference with their sleep.

Steps in Homeopathic Treatment for Lung Fibrosis:

Detailed Case Study:

The homeopath makes a meticulous observation of symptoms, medical history, and living, as well as the emotional life of the patient. In this process, suitable remedies might be found.

Prescription of Remedies:

Depending on the severity, homeopathic treatment for a patient is provided to reduce the inflammation, reduce further scarring of lung tissue, and enhance the immune strength.

Supportive Treatment

The diet and lifestyle advice are also given along with the prescription as a part of homeopathy treatment for lung fibrosis.

Follow-Up Care:

This will be done at intervals to know how well the treatment is progressing and can be altered according to necessity.

Advantages of Homeopathy Treatment for Lung Fibrosis :

  • Natural and Non-Toxic: Homeopathic medicines are prepared from natural materials and can be used for extended periods without side effects.
  • Holistic Method: Homoeopathy approaches the patient as an entirety, therefore, treating a disease at its core cause rather than its symptom.
  • Personalized Treatment: Each patient is given a customized treatment according to his symptoms and general health.
  • Strengths Immunity: Homeopathic remedies not only aid in the treatment of lung fibrosis but also strengthen immunity, which prevents the patient from further respiratory infections.

Diet and Lifestyle Tips for Managing Lung Fibrosis

  • Stay Hydrated: Proper hydration can help you produce thin mucus and facilitate its expulsion from the lungs.
  • Avoid Pollutants: Chemical Vapors, and Pollution: Limit your exposure to tobacco smoke, chemical vapors, and environmental pollution, which aggravate lung fibrosis.
  • Healthy Diet: Anti-inflammatory food items like fruits, vegetables, nuts, and food items containing omega-3, flaxseeds, and fish.
  • Routine Exercise: Mild physical activity, such as walking or doing yoga, would improve the lung’s functioning and help in breathlessness.
  • Breathing Exercises: Proper, deep breathing exercises would strengthen the lungs and enhance oxygenation.

Lung Fibrosis and Homeopathy FAQs

  1. What is the best homeopathic medicine used to treat lung fibrosis?

The best homeopathic medicine for lung fibrosis varies with symptoms in the individual. Some of the most common homeopathic medicines used for this disease are Arsenicum Album, Bryonia, and Phosphorus, which are prescribed according to the patient’s condition.

  1. Can homeopathy treat pulmonary fibrosis?

Whereas homeopathy cannot fully reverse the scarring in the lungs, it can significantly slow the advancement of the disease and help a patient alleviate symptoms and generally improve their quality of life. A homeopathic cure for pulmonary fibrosis is based on long-term management and relief.

  1. When can the results of homeopathy be expected for lung fibrosis?

The treatment period depends on the severity of the disease and the general health condition of the patient. The majority of the patients show improvement within a few weeks. However, long-term treatment is quite often required for proper management of the disease.

  1. Is Homeopathic Treatment Safe for Patients with Pulmonary Fibrosis?

Yes, homeopathic treatment is safe for patients with pulmonary fibrosis. The remedies are natural, non-toxic, and free from any harmful side effects, making them suitable for long-term use.

  1. What treatment does Dr. Vaseem Choudhary at Homeo Care Clinic administer for lung fibrosis?

A unique combination of treatments like homeopathic remedies, diet, and lifestyle advice would ensure that every lung-fibrosis patient gets individualized treatment by the renowned doctor Dr Vaseem Choudhary and his team at Homeo Care Clinic.


In conclusion, Homeo Care Clinic offers a holistic approach to treating the disease. The remedies mentioned above can treat the condition’s underlying causes and offer relief from the discomfort. However, it is important to consult a qualified homeopathic practitioner for the correct dosage and duration of treatment. Homeo Care Clinic provides comprehensive care for various ailments and offers customized treatment plans based on individual requirements.

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