Introduction In the modern world, people take work and other duties more seriously than health, and most of the time, symptoms are ignored until they ...
Homeopathic remedies to manage weakness, excessive thirst, & cold extremities.
INTRODUCTION • Weakness is said to be an ability lacking physical and mental strength causing feebleness of movement. • Excessive thirst could be ...
Can Homeopathy remedies Cure PCOD?
Introduction • Nowadays Polycystic ovarian Disease is said to be one of the most prevalent problems worldwide. • Polycystic ovarian disease is sai...
The Ultimate Guide To Recognizing The Early Signs Of Respiratory Allergies.
INTRODUCTION • Respiratory allergies occur when our immune system reacts with certain harmful substances in the air and environment and trigger our ...
Use Homeopathy to Ease Gout Pains
A gout is a common form of acute arthritis. Gout can occur again and again and last for 10 to 15 days. Women are more prone to cause gout after menopa...
Homeopathy Patient Friendly Medicine Method
The homeopathic mode of the system was first introduced by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann in the late 18th century It is based on the principles of * Let Like b...
Why Homeopathy Is Better Than Allopathy??
Homeopathy and allopathy both are derived from Greek words but homeo means similar disease whereas allopathy means other than the disease. Truly speak...
Back Pain Homeopathic Medicines: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment
Understanding Back Pain Back pain is one of the most common health issues people face worldwide. It can range from a dull ache to severe, debilitating...