Every year on 19th April “World Liver Day” is celebrated in order to spread awareness among people about the most very beneficial organ in the body without which a person is unable to live a normal life. Dr. Vaseem Choudhary taking participate to spread awareness to prevent Liver Diseases.
Importance of World Liver Day:
19th April is said to be “World Liver Day” because it focuses on the issue of the factors which could lead to liver disease and how liver ailments can be treated.
- Fights infections
- Regulates blood sugar levels
- Controls cholesterol levels
- Removes toxins and waste products from the body
- Releases bile and acids indigestion
- Helps in storage and protein formation
- Breaks down drugs and medications
- Prevents alcohol to damage the liver
- Helps in the coagulation process
- Liver disease can be genetic or inherited. Globally alcohol, Nash, and viral hepatitis are the most common factors for a liver disease
- Sugar-sweetened beverages also have played an integral part in fatty liver disease
- Alcohol consumption of more than 48 g daily can lead to liver cirrhosis.
- Iron overload can also be detrimental to those having chronic liver disease.
- Contaminated water and food may lead to viral hepatitis.
- Using contaminated needles and syringes and blood transfusion can also promote liver infections
- Unsafe sexual practice and drug abuse lead to viral hepatitis.
- Unhealthy lifestyle and eating patterns cause obesity which can affect the liver causing illness.
Common Symptoms in Liver Disease:
- Nausea and counting
- Loss of appetite
- Blood in stool or pale or tar colored stool
- Abdominal pain
- Dark urine
- Swelling in legs and ankle
Themes on the Liver Day:
1. Year 2018:
Riding new waves in liver diagnosis staging and treatment
2. Year 2020:
Hepatitis free future
3. Year 2021:
Tips to Keep Liver Healthy:
- Eat fruits like apples and grapefruit
- Consume green leafy vegetables like carrots, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower.
- Drink lemon juice
- Eat buckwheat, millets, etc
- Take walnuts at snacks
- Use garlic and turmeric in food.
- Avoid drinking tap water
- Exercise regularly
- Maintain personal hygiene
- Eat more food that has fiber-like bread, cereals, rice, whole grains.
- Say no to alcohol, tobacco, and drugs.
Homeopathy View:
- Homeopathic system of medicine is based on considering patient as a whole and treating him on basis of his constitution and on concept of individualization.
- At Homeo Care Clinic Dr. Vaseem Choudhary has treated many liver diseases with Homeopathic remedies such as biliary colic gall stones, liver cirrhosis, alcoholic liver disease, ascites, fatty liver based on symptom similarity.
- Dr. Vaseem Choudhary’s expertise knowledge and mastery skills proved beneficial in showing positive results in all age groups having liver infections.
- Based on symptom similarity and by prescribing constitutional remedy mentals along with physical general symptoms and also pathological condition of patient have been found deceased.
- For acute diseases Homeopathy helps to shorten the period of recovery whereas in chronic cases it helps to maintain parameters and provide a high quality of life.
- At an early stage, homeopathy can keep disease standstill and also can improve it to an extent that it becomes undetectable.